.gitignore Stack view for Contention events (#2000) 11个月前 .vsconfig Update building docs + add a .vsconfig file (#2112) 5个月前 CONTRIBUTING.md Update CONTRIBUTING.md 6年前 LICENSE.TXT Harmonize the license in the source and in the nuget packages. 6年前 Nuget.confi...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支1 标签0 贡献代码 同步代码 qwdingyureadme add login infod5b1c882年前 27 次提交 提交取消 提示:由于 Git 不支持空文件夾,创建文件夹后会生成空的 .keep 文件 ...
uri, currentDate]; let range = IDBKeyRange.bound(lowerBound, upperBound); let request = existingItemsIndex.openCursor(range); request.onsuccess = function(event) { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { // There's an entry for this URI, update the item cursor.value.timestamp...
GitHub has some great articles onhow to get started with Git and GitHuband how tofork a project. Contributers are recommended to fork the app on GitHub (but don't have too). Create a feature branch, push the branch to git hub, press Pull Request and write a simple explanation. ...
git config --global http.postBuffer 5242880000 git config --global https.postBuffer 5242880000 sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000 网上的指导一般是将 http.postBuffer 设为一个比较大的值,对于 Chromium 这样单个 git 库超过 30 G 的还是不够,我将缓冲设成 5G 大小,终于不再出错。另外有指导将 MTU 大小设置...
Viewpager使用起来就是我们通过创建adapter给它填充多个view,左右滑动时,切换不同的view。Google官方是建议我们使用Fragment来填充ViewPager的,这样 可以更加方便的生成每个Page,以及管理每个Page的生命周期。 Viewpager在Android开发中使用频率还是比较高的,下面开始一起学习吧!
The current version of gitlab 14.10.5 still gives an error, which makes it impossible to view the ci pipeline of the gitlab repository. Error contents is org. Gitlab4j. API. GitLabApiException: Field 'webPath doesn' t exist on type 'CiJob' It works grea
@pslaughterI'm not sure we serve these assets through the Rails app. It might be a configuration on web-server level. Before I contact release team I want to clarify current infrastructure. I'm not fully understanding why we have something atweb-ide.gitlab-static.netand something atgitlab...
After <n> hours if <branch name> has been updated: This option expires the current policy status when the protected branch updates if the passing build is older than the threshold you enter. This option is a compromise between always or never requiring a build when the protected branch ...
~/.gitconfig The file on a current test system is viewed as follows: [user] name = Peter Johnson email = [omitted] [merge] tool = vimdiff This is our global Git username. We can also use a different username as per the project in the local environment according to our preferences...