Reported on forum: Apparently, the server "view distance" setting, which affects how many chunks are sent to the client for rendering, also affects mob spawns. ...
4.0:Prevent client side chunk reloading on view distance changeRemoved increased unload timeout for hot-loaded chunksPriotizes simulation distance changesAdd cupboard dependencyCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons!
Vanilla Minecraft uses the same view distance setting for all dimensions. High values allow you to admire the scenery in the overworld, but they also load lots of heavy chunks in the Nether that you will never see due to obstruction and the fog. This mod allows setting view distance per di...
0xffff-1 chunks0xffff-1个区块 0xffff是65535的十六进制,因此65535-1是65534个区块。 Alpha 0.7.3 Endless!无穷无尽! 指Minecraft无穷尽的地图大小。但是,在此标语加入之时,携带版的无穷世界功能还未加入。 Alpha 0.7.3 Ask your mother!问问你妈妈! 可能是“咨询你的医生!(Ask your doctor!)”或“...
/setblock x y z minecraft:chest 0 replace {LootTable:"chests/simple_dungeon",LootTableSeed:12345} 實體:漏斗礦車 Enabled (byte):代表漏斗礦車是否會收集周圍的物品。 例子:/summon MinecartHopper ~ ~1 ~ {Enabled:1b} 實體:終界水晶 BeamTarget (compound):用於代表光束指向的物體。 例子:/summo...
executeLargeOperation(selection: Selection, operation: (blockLocation: minecraftserver.Vector3) => void): Promise<void>Executes an operation over a selection via chunks to allow splitting operation over multiple game ticksParametersselection: Selection...
The server view distance is the amount of world data that the server will send to the client. This will be measured in chunks in each direction as a radius. As an example of how many chunks are loaded, we can take the default view distance of 10 and double it to get the diameter of...
玩Minecraft攜帶版,看Topgear,贏小豬! Java版標語「Play Minecraft, Watch Topgear, Get Pig!」的變種。 Quite Indie!十分獨立! !!!1! 打一連串感嘆號時出現的常見錯誤。 DEK was hereDEK曾在這裡! Hmmmrmm. 模擬村民的聲音。 V-synched!已經垂直同步! 0xffff-1 chunks0xffff-1個區塊 Endless!
1.14.3-pre1是Java版1.14.3的首个预发布版,发布于2019年6月3日[1],略微修改了村民的特性,优化了性能,并修复了一些漏洞。 村民 慌张的村民现在有更高的概率生成铁傀儡。 农民村民现在工作时会花更多时间在耕种上。 农民村民现在总是会给予食物,即使其他村民并不一定需要
spectatorsGenerateChunks 禁止旁观模式的玩家生成区块。 默认为true spawnRadius 控制玩家能在距离世界出生点多远的位置重生。 默认为10。NBT 标签所有实体 Glowing (byte):控制实体是否被新的发光状态效果所影响。 例子:/summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Glowing:1}能生成一只发光的苦力怕。 注意这并不在所有实体上生...