🔥🔥🔥汇总好用的开源项目,涵盖了iOS, Mac, Blockchain, Flutter, Weex, H5, Games, C++, Script等各个方面的内容,其中iOS包涵以下几个方面:音视频;IM和直播;逆向开发;图像相关(OpenGLES, Metal, GPUImage);IAP, ApplePay和第三方支付;安全攻防和应用加固, 数
action to a UIActivityViewController. TTOpenInAppActivity uses an UIDocumentInteractionController to present all Apps that can handle the document specified with by the activity items. 【 Priview 1】图片验证码ZLSecurityCode - iOS-字符图片验证码。【Priview 1】 MQVerCodeView - 类似图片验证码,...
VBSilverlightPhone VBSilverlightTest VBSilverlightWebSite VBSiteDefinition VBSourceFile VBSplitApplication VBTablet VBTest VBTestApplication VBTestLibrary VBWCF VBWebApplication VBWebPart VBWebService VBWebSiteTemplate VBWF VBWindowsLibrary VBWindowsService VBWorkerTemplate VBWorkflow VBWorkflowActivity VBWorkfl...
VBSilverlightPhone VBSilverlightTest VBSilverlightWebSite VBSiteDefinition VBSourceFile VBSplitApplication VBTablet VBTest VBTestApplication VBTestLibrary VBWCF VBWebApplication VBWebPart VBWebService VBWebSiteTemplate VBWF VBWindowsLibrary VBWindowsService VBWorkerTemplate VBWorkflow VBWorkflowActivity VBWorkflo...
both views will be created using the Material dark color scheme; however, because an overlay theme is used which only defines a subset of attributes, the value of android.R.styleable#Theme_colorAccent android:colorAccent defined on the inflation context's theme (e.g. the Activity theme) will...
Forms中每一个屏幕画面都有对应概念叫:Page,Xamarin.Forms.Page 在安卓中与 Activity对应,在 iOS 中与 ViewController对应,在Windows...上面的单元格包含了一个Image控件,两个 Label 控件,下面的代码可以很容易的构建上面的布局: class EmployeeCell : ViewCell { public EmployeeCell...> ViewCell> 数据绑定通过...
``` public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity { public static MainActivity Instance { get; private set; } protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState);...
使用intent在活动间传递值首先是 MainActuvity 活动(注册界面 写完个人信息点击注册 ) 跳转到 In 活动 (通过 intent 获得 MainActivity 中的信息 )效果图如下...> TableRow> TextView android:id="@+id/tv_code" android:layout_width...> TableRow> TextView android:id="@+id/tv_year" android:layout_...
context- The Context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc. For example, this may be the instance of the Activity or Fragment that the MapView is inflated into. attrs- The attributes of the XML tag that is inflating the view. ...
action to a UIActivityViewController. TTOpenInAppActivity uses an UIDocumentInteractionController to present all Apps that can handle the document specified with by the activity items. 【 Priview 1】图片验证码ZLSecurityCode - iOS-字符图片验证码。【Priview 1】 MQVerCodeView - 类似图片验证码,...