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Illustrative tool to check for channels which have obvious view bots. The data is pulled directly from Twitch's API services and may not mean that a channel is actually view botting.
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Reply from Viewbot.ggDec 9, 2024 hey, new owner here. What did you order exactly? Prime subs for twitch? Also, how much did you pay? Can you pls make a ticket on our discord. We'll sort the refund no problem :) Advertisement Bailey Rochon 1 review CA Jun 27, 2024 My followers ...
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球形是标准形态,被用作人格构造体的独立身体,以及类似 [[Atlas/zh-hans|Atlas/zh-hans]] 的机器人身体。相比之下,输入型核心是椭圆形的,被用于[[Turrets/zh-hans#哨兵机枪塔|机枪塔]]和类似 [[P-Body/zh-hans|P-Body/zh-hans]] 的机器人身体。在[[Aperture Science/zh-hans|光圈科技]]计算机辅助丰富...
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