XCode,Apple 的 IDE,包含接口生成器 (“IB”) ,该工具允许以交互方式创建用户界面并将其保存为“Nib”文件, (这些以 XML 格式保存,扩展名为“.xib”) 。 Xamarin Studio 为 nib 文件生成 Code Behind 类,通常这些类将是 的 UIViewController子类。 从 iOS 5 开始,应用程序开发人员可以使用“情节提要”直观...
UIDeviceBatteryState UIDeviceOrientation UIDeviceOrientationExtensions UIDictationPhrase UIDisplayGamut UIDocument UIDocument.Notifications UIDocumentBrowserAction UIDocumentBrowserActionAvailability UIDocumentBrowserErrorCode UIDocumentBrowserErrorCodeExtensions UIDocumentBrowserImportMode UIDocumentBrowserTransition...
Battery Basics Operating Temperatures
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电池使用时间依使用情况、设置和其他许多因素而可能有所差异,实际结果可能有所不同。详情请参阅 www.apple.com/cn/batteries 和www.apple.com/cn/watch/battery.html。Apple Watch Series 1 需要使用 iPhone 5s 或更新机型,并安装 iOS 11 或更新系统。
Fine-Tune Apple Watch App View With Ease So, that’s the way you can tweak the Apple Watch app view. Now that you know how it works, make the most of it to keep monotonous feeling away. watchOS 7 has come up with a wide range of new features includingbattery health,native sleep tra...
'''Battery Specs''' *'''38mm''' **Current: 205mAh **Power: 0.78Wh **Voltage: 3.80V *'''42mm''' **Current: 246mAh **Power: 0.93Wh **Voltage: 3.78V '''Firmware''' *Initial firmware: [[SkiHill 12S507 (Watch1,1)|1.0 (12S507)]], [[SkiHill 12S507 (Watch1,2)|1.0 (...
Tap on the workout type in the upper-right corner again to change filters. Now you know how to sort you Apple Watch workout history and navigate all your activities. If you notice any discrepancies in exercise minutes or you think yourApple Watch isn't recording workouts correctly, here's...
In this article: Part 1. How to view Apple Watch Live Cycling Metrics on iPhone with iOS 17/18? Part 2. How to upgrade your iPhone to iOS 17/18 —— iMyFone Fixppo Part 3. How to downgrade Your iPhone to iOS 17 from 18 —— iMyFone Fixppo Try It Free Part 4. Conclusion...
Here's how to extend battery life, view charging status / remaining battery and determine what uses the most power on your Galaxy Tab S3.