Usage: java -jar WebView.jar [OPTIONS] <url> <url> - A URL to a webpage to show in the webview. Note: You can use a data url here. Options: -title <Window Title> -w <window width px> -h <window height px> -onLoad <js to run on page load> -onLoadFile <path to js fi...
If you rather want a jar file instead of a including the project as an android library, runant jarin theandroid-viewflow/viewflowfolder, to build a jar file. The manifest states a min sdk version of 4, which is true. But in any case you want to support an api level < 8 you will...
the pointer icon to use for specified pointer, or null if a pointer icon is not specified and the default icon should be used. Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Resolve the pointer icon that should be used for specified pointer in the motion event. The default implementation will resolve the...
Focus movement is based on an algorithm which finds the nearest neighbor in a given direction. In rare cases, the default algorithm may not match the intended behavior of the developer. In these situations, you can provide explicit overrides by using these XML attributes in the layout file:text...
JPedaluses Java 17as a minimum whilst also taking advantage of later versions using Java's multi-release jar functionality. Source Code Access JPedal OEM customers get full source code access to JPedal as well as the binary jar. No third party libraries ...
从这里下载最新版本 X5 SDK 导入 SDK 到项目 File->Project Structure->+->Import .JAR/.AAR Package->Next SkyRiN 2019/02/25 6.8K0 Carson带你学Android:你要的WebView与 JS 交互方式都在这里了 androidjspjavahtmlwebview 步骤1:将需要调用的JS代码以.html格式放到src/main/assets文件夹里 Carson.Ho 2022...
完整的更新日志: 最后提交信息为:4.4.0-beta版本 v4.3.0 ac6c0e9 2023-07-05 06:39 对比 v4.3.0 版本发布 陈精华 项目简介 本项目为文件文档在线预览开源解决方案,项目使用流行的 Spring Boot 搭建,易上手和部署,部署好后可以独立提...
第一步:pull 项目 第二步:运行 ServerMain 的 main 方法,服务启动后,访问http://localhost:8012/会看到如下界面,代表服务启动成功 历史更新记录 > 2025年01月16日,v4.4.0 版本发布 : 新增功能 ...
2、kkFileView任意文件读取漏洞,攻击者能够通过Web应用程序 未经授权地读取任意文件,这可能会导致敏感信息的泄露或系统的崩溃。 2023年07月10日,v4.4.0版本迭代开启,免费下载地址: 链接: 提取码:6d2a ...
Returns a string representation of the object. (Inherited from Object) UnregisterFromRuntime() (Inherited from Object) Wait() Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being <em>notified</em> or <em>interrupted</em>. (Inherited from Object) Wait(Int64, Int...