Holiday greetings The traditional greeting to wish your clients a happy new year is “Chuc Mung Nam Moi”. It is customary to at least send a physical card or e-card to partner offices if the partnership does not require a gift. In this spirit, the Dezan Shira & Associates Vietnam team...
1. from Greetings from Poland. The changes resulting from the women's movement have affected both women and men. The goods ordered from England last month have not arrived yet. I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation. ...
Learn common words and phrases that are sorted into many useful categories. Phrasebook sets include: greetings, hobbies, conversation, food, animals, language difficulties, travel phrases, adjectives, verbs, countries, clothing, colors, emergencies, shopping, directions, numbers, school, work, and tell...
40 Words & Phrases for Ordering Food Download Goals & New Year’s Resolutions Download Ways to say Goodbye Download Halloween Words & Phrases Download Most Common Vietnamese Greetings Download How to ask “How Are you?” and answer it Download Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day Download...
Some common Vietnamese greetings and expressions are:Chao ong("jow ohm")—Hello (to an older man or to one to whom one wishes to show respect);Chao anh—Hello (to a male friend);Chao ba("jow ba")—Hello (to an older woman);Chao co("jow go")—Hello (to a younger woman);Di ...
Thank you for her greetings and a lot of useful information over the two days, which made the guests satisfied.So overall I am very satisfied with my visit to the center of Da Nang this time. If I come again next time, I will choose this hotel. Date of stay: Jul...
從圖像中刪除背景是艱苦的工作。 Pngtree上的越南春節新年祝福PNG圖片素材和PSD素材非常適合初學者。我們的高質量新年, 祝福PNG素材支持具有透明背景的無損數據壓縮,可以滿足您所需的所有設計。立即免費下載它們。新年祝福橘子桃花金桔春節節日水彩越南春節+7爆竹鞭炮炮竹考試祝福卡通橘子拉炮逢考必過...
Learn common words and phrases that are sorted into many useful categories. Phrasebook sets include: greetings, hobbies, conversation, food, animals, language difficulties, travel phrases, adjectives, verbs, countries, clothing, colors, emergencies, shopping, directions, numbers, school, work, and tell...
Learn common words and phrases that are sorted into many useful categories. Phrasebook sets include: greetings, hobbies, conversation, food, animals, language difficulties, travel phrases, adjectives, verbs, countries, clothing, colors, emergencies, shopping, directions, numbers, school, work, and tell...