Only about 60% had actually made it toAustraliawhile the other 40% had not. Vietnamese migration to Australia is normally described as traumatising. This is due to the fact that the migrants are exposed to a range of situations they had never been in before. These situations range from ...
Australia is a culturally diverse country with increasing immigration for better opportunities and future. One cultural group that is not originated here, but calls Australia there home are Vietnamese refugee. Neumann, (2015) explains the migration started in the 1970s as a result of the Communist...
Vietnamese immigration to other countries also increased following the Vietnam War. Many more moved to France due to the pre-existing Vietnamese population. Other countries which attracted considerable Vietnamese migration included Western European countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany as ...
employed by analyzing real-time cultural transformation captured in videos. (2) Additionally, the process of cultural diffusion by Vietnamese influencers for Korean culture was identified, thus laying the groundwork for future research on consumption culture migration and evolution. Introduction The burg...
Their eventual success can motivate others, since farmers often consider the experiences of their neighbors before deciding to change their own land use [27]. In addition, the VMD socioeconomic context has been marked by the high outmigration of young people, who leave the delta to take ...
Polyphenols Rich Fraction of Dicranopteris linearis Promotes Fibroblast Cell Migration and Proliferation in Vitro. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2015, 168, 305–314. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zakaria, Z.A.; Kamisan, F.H.; Omar, M.H.; Mahmood, N.D.; Othman, F.; Abdul Hamid, S.S.; Abdullah,...