I will not bend my back Win a regular game asBà Triệu. A direct reference to the most famous quote attributed to Bà Triệu, which can be found in herCivilopediaentry. See also Vietnamesein other games https://civilization.com/news/entries/civilization-vi-first-look-ba-tri-u-of...
vdg: diacritics generator, which implements 3 RNN-based models to recover diacritics for non-accented Vietnamese text; zoo: text classifier, which implements deep learning based models for text classification, including CNN, LSTM and GRU architectures; ...
- [Tạo số ngẫu nhiên](#random-number-generator) - [Strings](#strings) - [Chuỗi](#strings) - [Nối chuỗi](#string-concatenation) - [Nối chuỗi bằng toán tử cộng](#concatenating-using-addition-operator) - [Chuỗi dài](#long-literal-strings) ...
On the biright side, last week was the first week without the power cuts - for the first time since October 2022 Ukraine has enough power supply. Of course this may change, and we have our power generator at the ready, but this is definitely very good news. We hope that t...