As a collector, I am committed to provide high quality, rare, original items. This site is for people who are tired of buying patches or other militaria on Ebay or at gun shows that later turn out to be fakes. Visit myfakes pageto help you to identify reproductions. Here’s my promi...
Ngo bought his first set of 400 slides out of curiosity, purchased for around US$400 from a widow who was selling her dead husband's collection on eBay. "That basically snowballed into a monstrosity of a project that's been going for six years now, and it'll probably keep going until ...
I also run a companion website calledwww.vietnamwarmilitaria.comwhere I offer for sale and/or trade duplicates, extras and/or items I am thinning out of my collection. Besides military issued knives, I also collect knives by Gerber, Terzuola, Randall, Loveless and BenchMark. I have duplic...
then go to this link and you can download the catalog. Also with the catalog is a history of WASP wings and War Eagles as well as information on hallmarks and military insignia manufacturers. More items than listed on this sales site. It's almost like getting a book on wings for free. ...
For your bidding plesure, A Vietnam War era U.S. Navy type G1 leather flight jacket. This size 40 jacket was produced by The Martin Lane Co. The approximate measurements for this jacket are: 21 1/2 in...from eBay
If I were a collector and needed this banknote leaflet, I might offer $15 for it 50 years after the war. That seems a fair offer. I mention all this because in September 2023 two were offered by the same person on eBay, one for $385, one for $450. I love to see numbers like ...
SourceeBay This auction is for a 1967 full-size Zippo with a great graphic of the USS Tortuga cruising off the coast of Vietnam. The USS Tortuga was a Casa Grande-class dock loading ship named for the Dry Tortugas, a group of desert coral islets 60 miles off the west coast of Key We...
I also run a companion website calledwww.vietnamwarmilitaria.comwhere I offer for sale and/or trade duplicates, extras and/or items I am thinning out of my collection. Besides military issued knives, I also collect knives by Gerber, Terzuola, Randall, Loveless and BenchMark. I have duplic...