The Vietnam War (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh Việt Nam), also known as the Second Indochina War, and in Vietnam as the Resistance War Against America (Vietnamese: Kháng chiến chống Mỹ) or simply the American War, was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia fro...
Four specially-equipped US Air Force cargo planes spraying a Vietnamese triple canopy forest with dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange during what the Vietnamese called the “American War” (those aren’t benign “contrails”, they’re toxic “chemtrails”) (Incidentally, the nepotism in the US-bac...
Helicopter War Web Ring Go Helicopter Weapons Go Helicopter: Road to Vietnam Go HELICOPTERMissions Flown Helicopters & Cargo Aircraft Go Helicopters in Vietnam Go Helicopters Used & Other Details Go Hello, A Shau Tower Go Herbicidal Warfare Prgm in Vietnam Go HERBICIDAL WARFARE PROGRAMVIETNAM 1961...
A history of war photography – from Vietnam to Iraq and the War of Terror – and how photography has changed war. Today we watch wars from afar, swayed by the images that fill our newsfeeds, social media and screens. Since the Vietnam War the way we see conflict through film, photogr...
Air Force planes of all types on air-to-air missions had an overall 3.8-1 kill ratio for the entire war. In an apples-to-apples comparison with the F-86s in Korea, the Air Forces’ MiGCAP F-4s in Vietnam had 5.5-1 kill ratio, with a very strong upward trend toward 15-1 during...
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Underhill was assigned to the 7th PSYOP Group on Okinawa during the Vietnam War. He produced and dropped many of the safe conduct passes using C-130 Hercules cargo aircraft based at Kadena AFB. He told me: Our printing plant operated 24 hours a day, seven days a ...
As the Communist forces closed in, a number of lower-level American personnel began "black ops" to help their South Vietnamese friends escape the country by stowing them on cargo planes bound for the Philippines. Soon enough, the airport was being bombarded and even that was not an option...
Danang was the main base for the American Navy during the war. Looking out toward the South China Sea I sat to listen to the war stories of a fellow traveler. Jack spoke of the ships, planes, and choppers; of ambushes, patrol, and rescue missions. He was not a “regular,” just a...
Hanoi Hannah:the Tokyo Rose of the Vietnam war. Hard Truck / Gun Truck:provides support to convoys traveling through known hostile territory Heads:Group identified as dopers – those who used drugs (heroin, marijuana, etc,) Headman:the boss man of a local community. His word is usually law...
The planes, the ammunition depots, and ships. Yes-this is the mighty force of his mine, he who fought day in-day out there - in the front lines, you stood. And from the bullet splattered sound of your battles, Nguyen Van Be, rose the great roar of your explosion. An explosion that...