Few outside Australia and New Zealand today even realize that Australian troops fought in the Vietnam War in the 1960s. The Australian forces barely rate a mention in the standard works.2And the story of the impact of the war on Australian politics and society is little known beyond Australi...
Australia and the Vietnam WarAUSTRALIA AND THE VIETNAM WAR Author: Peter Edwards Published by. NewSouth Publishing and...Rabel, RobertoNew Zealand Institute of International AffairsNew Zealand International Review
Vietnam war, counterinsurgency, 1st Australian Task Force, historical GISFrom 1966 to 1971 Australia deployed the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) to the Vietnam War. Australia's involvement in the war took the form of a protracted counterinsurgency campaign. Counterinsurgency campaigns often consist...
•ThepresenceofcommunistsinVietnamworriedcountrieslikeAustraliaandUSA TheDominoTheory •AustralianandAmericanpoliticiansfeltthatifVietnamfelltocommunismthenothercountriessuchasThailand,Malaysia,SingaporeandIndonesiawouldalsofalltothecommunists TheDominoTheory Previousexamples •Australia’sinvolvementintheKoreanWar1950-...
Heading 4 War! Vietnam Picture Tour! 229th Aviation Battalion(Assault Helicopter) 1st Air Calvary Division, Winged Assault! Check it out. Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia, is an outstanding must visit site packed with references, resources, memorials, and educational information on Austra...
South Korea by North Korean troops, MSTS transported the 24th Infantry Division and its equipment from Japan to Pusan, South Korea, for duty. During the Vietnam War, MSTS was renamed Military Sealift Command. Between 1965 and 1969, MSC transported nearly 54 million tons of combat equipment and...
My parents are known as members of the 'first generation' of Vietnamese refugees, who came to Australia after the Vietnam War. I, however, am known as part of the '1.5 generation'. Born in Vietnam, made in Australia. We are the children of defeated warriors who have tried to come ...
Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin had already decided what would happen to post-war Vietnam at a summit-meeting at Potsdam. They had agreed that the country would be divided into two, the northern half under the control of the Chinese and the southern half under the British. ...
In a cohort of Australian national service conscripts, death rates from International Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision (ICD-8) cause of death classes for 19,205 veterans of the Vietnam conflict were compared with those of 25,677 veterans who served only in Australia. Comprehensive, clin...
North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies; South Vietnam was supported by the United States, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, Thailand, and other anti-communist allies. The war, considered a Cold War-era proxy war by some, lasted 19 years, ...