Make sure to pay the visa fee in advance (for evisa). Follow up on the status of your application regularly and be prepared to provide additional information if required. 👉Wanna avoid any mistake that may be caused by you during the visa processing >> We are here to help!
However, Indian nationals can submit an application for a Vietnam visa on arrival (VOA). After applying online, they can travel to Vietnam and get their visa on arrival at any of the international airports in Vietnam, such as – Nha Trang, Ha Noi, Ho Chih Minh City, and Da Nang. Ba...
Conducting extensive research on gender-wise distribution, male travellers dominate the visa application scene, representing 77 percent in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and 71 percent in Singapore. Meanwhile, 30 percent of women travellers applied for Singapore visas and 25 percent ...
Singapore, despite being a modern global metropolis today, has arich historythat stretches back to ancient times. Before the arrival of Europeans, this territory was inhabited by Malays, Chinese, and Indians, foreshadowing its future diversity in culture and population. However, in 1819,Sir Stamford...