patches, engineers, ranger, airborne, medical, Vietnam, Bai, Piaster, Propaganda Leaflet, Lighter, MPC, Rank, shoes, boots, tiger stripe,
The ARVN now get their own variant of ERDL camoflage, plus a tiger stripe boonie, while the US get Mitchell Cloud camo And, as a special request for a mapper, we have created a single sound effect for a clap of thunder, instead of the existing looping one. We hope you enjoy using it...
Vietnam War Tiger Stripe Vnmc Arvn Jungle Jacket Pants S Repro Details Vietnam War Authentic Golden Tiger Stripe Camo Boonie Hat Details Vintage Us Army Tropical Combat Trousers 1966 Vietnam War Large Short Nos New Details Original Vietnam War Og107 M65 Field Jacket 1968 M Medium Regular 1 ...