Although Burns and Novick ensure the viewer understands the empirical message that the war destroyed lives and minds, and eviscerated the trust the American people had for their government, they never explicitly state that the socio-political fabric of the 60s and 70s finds echoes in the present ...
Vietnam War games can be excellent, but deal with appalling subject matter. There’s no pithy way to sum up the Vietnam War without cheapening events or glossing over crucial details of one of the most complicated conflicts of the modern era. What began as a regional shift in power dynam...
In the winter of 1969, as a student at the University of Oregon, I was fortunate to attend a concert by the effervescent folk-rock duo of that era, Simon and Garfunkel. It was one of the final dates of their “Bookends” tour. And as they left the stage that night in McArthur Cour...
One thing the game does an outstanding job of, however, is capturing the feel of the era. The art, the menu designs, even the loading screens nail the turbulent late 60s/early 70s. But the music in particular needs to be singled out: Electronic Arts has been making an effort to really...