The five biggest cities in Vietnam, namely Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Haiphong, Da Nang and Can Tho are the country's hotspots with 70% contribution to the total waste generation. In 2015, the average MSW of big urban areas increased to 0.9–1.3 kg/person/day [3]. The mean ...
Yen Ninh Thuan Nghe An Long An Lai Chau Lao Cai Kien Giang Hau Giang Hai Duong Hoa Binh Ha Tinh Ha Noi City Gia Lai Cao Bang Ben Tre Bac Can Bac Lieu Binh Phuoc Binh Dinh An Giang Dac Lac Dong Thap Da Nang City 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Test 1 per capita (a) (b) (c) Figure 10...
gpneirfiicoadn,tthcoereeffsiceieemntsatto5bpe earnceimntmaneddia1t0epeeffreccetn,tw, rheesrpeeacstitvheelrye, ifsora elaagchosfu5bm-poenritohds.foInr athcehfainrsgtesiunbo-pffierciioadl ,rathteertoe sreeaemlizseteoffbeectasnoinmpmriecdeilaetveeelfifnectth, ewlhateerreassubth-pereeriiosda....
FFiFgiugruere44..4C.ChCheehmmeomoggorrgaaprpahhpiichcircereprpreerpesreseensnteatnattitoaiotninoonfotforiftortcirotiacohtcaethadehrdaerldamrlailmcamicaiancadanacdanldcciauclamclicuaimummpahmaimbpohpliehbicoboloemlecpocomosimptiopsnois-.i- tMiotinocsan.scM.oMmiciapcaocoscimotimopnopsoisptirotein...
danSdoutthhuCs entral Coast the search wiznodnoews (sZh4ifatns dfoZrw5)aarrde afonudnbdatcokhwaavreda, rseigspneificctiavnetllyy,dfoelratyheedserazionnyesse.aAsodndoitniosnet-, and thus the ally, Summersmeaornchsowoninrdaoinwfaslhl inftsVfioetrnwaamrdhans da wbaectk-dwryarpdh, areses...
ssoocciioo--eeccoonnoommiicc ddeevveellooppmmeenntt sshhoowwnn iinn TTaabbllee 11,, tthhee ppooppuullaattiioonn aanndd GGDDPP ooff VVieietntnaamminicnrceraesaesdedbyb1y.2 1a.n2da4n.5dti4m.5estiinm2e0s30inco2m03p0arceodmtop2a0re0d5, rteosp2e0c0t5iv, erley.spTehcutisv, ethlye....
aItrtisicpualartrilcyuulasrelyfuul sfeofrullofcoartilooncastiwonhserwehdearteadisatnaoits anvoatialavbaliela,belne-, ecnocuoruagrainggintghethdeedveevloeplompemntenotf orefnreewneawblaebeleneerngeyrgpyropjeroctjesc[t3s].[3T]h. eTdheatdaawtaaswcaosllceocltleedctbeed- brhtraawaeardtedsewiaita...
Moreover, major rivers such as the Red River, Da River, and Day River are inter- provincial water resources, and they have a great impact on the quality and reserves from the watersheds; thus, it is difficult to use these water resources. Regarding the third challenge, according to HAWA...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Effects of Short-Term Probiotic Ingestion on Immune Profiles and Microbial Translocation among HIV-1-Infected Vietnamese Children Azumi Ishizaki 1,†, Xiuqiong Bi 1,†, Lam Van Nguyen 2, Kazunori Matsuda 3, Hung Viet Pham 2, Chung Thi Thu...
(Vieitentanmamesees ennamame:e :BáBcáhc hvvànàng)g,) ,wwasa sddisicscoovveereredd inin 11999999 iinn the calcareous mountains oof Northern Northern Viieetnam (Quản Bạa., HHàà GGiiaanngg PPrroovvininccee, ,FFigiguurer ...