SetupAppRunningError=Viec cai dat bi gian doan vi %1 dang chay.%n%nHay dong chung lai, roi click OK de tiep tuc, hoac Huy de thoat. UninstallAppRunningError=Viec go cai dat bi gian doan vi %1 dang chay.%n%nHay dong chung lai, roi click OK de tiep tuc, hoac Huy de thoat....
SetupAppRunningError=Viec cai dat bi gian doan vi %1 dang chay.%n%nHay dong chung lai, roi click OK de tiep tuc, hoac Huy de thoat. UninstallAppRunningError=Viec go cai dat bi gian doan vi %1 dang chay.%n%nHay dong chung lai, roi click OK de tiep tuc, hoac Huy de thoat....
Lawyer Nguyen Van Mieng told Radio Free Asia he was not surprised by the decision and noted that the Bar Association has had ongoing problems with members not paying union dues. However, he said he believed that was not the main reason for them canceling his membership. “In Vietnam, pract...
Political emotions can run very high in Vietnamese American communities. In Westminster, California, Truong Van Tran, an electronics store owner in an area known as Little Saigon put up a poster of Ho Chi Minh in his shop. After a few eventless months, someone complained to Tran's nephew,...
Van Tam. 1995.Doan Phu Tu: con nguoi va tac pham. (Hanoi: Nha xuat ban Van hoc). Dinh Gia Trinh. 1945. "Dia vi van Au Tay trong van hoa Vietnam," Thanh Nghi100-104 (15 fevrier): 82-85. Duong Thieu Tuoc. 1948a. "Don luc huyen cam Ha uy di,"Viet Nhac1 ...
Available online: (accessed on 17 March 2023). Ho Chi Minh City: Promote Human Resource Training in Key Areas. 2022. ...