and some rivers will be short by more than 85% (Vu,2020). In addition, due to prolonged hot weather for many days, the whole region currently has about 2685 million hectares of forest at high risk of fire (Ly,2020).
Retrieved from National Defense Journal: phap-day-manh-phat-trien-kinh-te-xa-hoi-vung-dong-bao-dan-toc-thieu-so- o-tay-nguyen/15507.html Triu N (2019) Loss of nearly 1,000 billion due to natural disasters in the Central ...
Carbonate rock is distributed widely in the province, constituting the major components of the Mo Dong, Than Sa, Na Mo, Phu Ngu, Cau River, Pia Phuong, Mia Le, Na Quan, Bac Son, Dong Dang, Na Khuat, and the Ha Coi formations, with ages from the Cambrian to the Jurassic. The ...
Available online: (accessed on 4 July 2022). VOV.VN. Trên 460 thủy điện nhỏ bị loại khỏi quy hoạch [Over 460 Small Hydroelectric Plants Are Excluded from the Planning]. ...