00:00/00:00 评论 还没有人评论过,快来抢首评 发布 欢歌热舞贺新春 文艺汇演启新程 张姐讲人情 发布于:山西省 2025.01.24 17:56 +1 首赞 收藏 [x] Player version Player FPS Video type Video url Video resolutionVideo duration … 推荐视频 已经到底了 热门视频 已经到底了 ...
而在3.1中添加了一个关键组件就是xcomponent,它可以设置一个type为surface,而我更关心的就是这个surface,在讲surface之前我先讲讲videoplayer。 3.1版本中同时还新增了视频播放的媒体服务videoplayer,它为我们提供了视频播放服务相关的各种api,video组件所具备的功能它全部具备,同时还具备视频首帧送显上报事件、监听视频...
typeOrClassNameFunction|Stringthe constructor or the class name of the component to add 示例 varsprite = node.addComponent(cc.Sprite);vartest = node.addComponent("Test"); getComponent 获取节点上指定类型的组件,如果节点有附加指定类型的组件,则返回,如果没有则为空。
00:00/00:00 评论 还没有人评论过,快来抢首评 发布 「vlog」“因为拍摄体验了消防登高车,我太高了” 张姐讲人情 发布于:山西省 2025.02.11 23:15 +1 首赞 收藏 [x] Player version Player FPS Video type Video url Video resolutionVideo duration … 推荐视频 已经到底了 热门视频 已经到底了 ...
HD Player Pro - the best choice of phone player. Can play any type video music and pdf txt word excel. Video Player Pro is one of the most popular and powerful player for all iPhone devices. It is easiest iPhone phone player . This player support many formats and can play any video,...
(R.id.fragment_player, MediaPlayerType.PLAYER_STYLE_2) } add3.setOnClickListener { addVideoPlayer(R.id.fragment_player, MediaPlayerType.PLAYER_STYLE_3) } remove.setOnClickListener { removeAudioPlayer(R.id.fragment_player) } // full screen activity fullScreen1.setOnClickListener { Services...
/** * 设置了视频的播放类型 * GSYVideoType IJKPLAYER = 0 or IJKEXOPLAYER = 1; */ public void setVideoType(Context context, int videoType) 1.4.4 调整lib,DEMO中SampleVideo增加了调整清晰度的支持,DEMO借用了jjdxm_ijkplayer的URL。 优化了Cache缓存和IJK 缓存之间的显示。
Events emitted by Video.js, the argument type is alwaysEventTarget. Video.js Event🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥 🫥VueReact event.loadstart-@loadstartonLoadStart event.suspend-@suspendonSuspend event.abort-@abortonAbort event.error-@erroronError ...
Can play any type video music and pdf txt word excel. Video Player Pro is one of the most popular and powerful player for all iPhone devices. It is easiest iPhone phone player . This player support many formats and can play any video,film,music,MTV that stored on your phone. ...