1. Take screenshots of the video instantly and add them to your notes. No need to take screenshots of the screen, crop, and paste as before. 2. When reviewing key information in your notes, click on the screenshot to play the relevant part of the video. No need to search and review...
Keep the text to a minimum and put the extra stuff in the speaker notes section, out of your audience’s sight. Then, refer to your notes while you give the presentation. Open the notes pane by clickingNOTESat the bottom of the window. ...
Video Notes to Notion & AI Flashcard by Snipo 3.7.1 2023-12-30 29 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 将YouTube 笔记直接记入 Notion、生成 AI 抽认卡、捕获屏幕截图以及与 Notion 同步学习课程 Snipo 是将视频笔记直接保存到单击中的 Notion 页面的最佳方式...
I jotted down some blow-by-blow notes on the proceedings, but looking at them realize it is pointless to chart same. If you want masturbation fodder this is certainly on the right track, but like chewing gum best to toss out after use -not one of those classic videos to replay over &...
想要整理笔记时,可以直接将鼠标放置到激活后的插件Logo处,它会自动展开Go to notes。 如下是所有笔记的页面 支持导出与分享 好啦!以上就是VideoNotebook对视频做笔记的简单介绍,我觉得它能满足大多数情况下的学习要求。 另外,B站自己提供了相应的视频做笔记功能,还是很懂大家需求的昂,大家可以去看看咯,有可能你们之...
Doomed to failure, INTERRACIAL FAMILY AFFAIR is a very confused high-concept porn project rounding off at zero value. Several weeks after sitting through it I can't recall a thing, though I took a few notes for this review for the record. ...
Notes Maplethorpe produced many self-portraits. The one I have in mind here is the infamous image of him taken from behind with a bull whip inserted in his anus. The motivation for condition three is to rule out pornographic images that lovers send to one another. These images, Rea thinks...
He's surprised when Mila looks back at him through binoculars, and via held-up notes he finds her identifying as "S" (submissive) and summons her silently to his apartment. She has a fabulous figure and takes a simultaneous flogging and humping from the stud. ...
When you're at a lecture, Q&A session, or interview and you know you won't be able to type notes fast enough, you can use OneNote to record audio or video notes. Note:Before you get started, make sure your computer has a microphone and a webcam, and that both are set up in the...
Use Video Notes in order to enhance your Youtube experience! Via Video Notes you can search for videos or channels, watch videos, follow channels, write notes and post them as comments! Search in Youtube - Videos - Channels - Video Notes provides you the ability to search for both videos...