GroundingYouTube(W3@Arxiv2023):仅包含测试集,衍生自MiningYouTube数据集,在其基础上进一步给出了时空定位的标注数据,其实际上处理的问题是Spatio-Temporal Action Grounding,而非Object Grounding;
Video Temporal Grounding (VTG), which aims to ground target clips from videos (such as consecutive intervals or disjoint shots) according to custom language queries (e.g., sentences or words), is key for video browsing on social media. Most methods in this direction develop taskspecific models...
Temporal video grounding (TVG) aims to localize a target segment in a video according to a given sentence query. Though respectable works have made decent achievements in this task, they severely rely on abundant video-query paired data, which is expensive to collect in real-...
Video Temporal Grounding (VTG) aims to ground specific segments within an untrimmed video corresponding to the given natural language query. Existing VTG methods largely depend on supervised learning and extensive annotated data, which is labor-intensive and prone to human biases. To address these cha...
王利民: 本文介绍我们组NJU-MCG 在多模态视频片段定位领域(Temporal Grounding和Spatio-temporal Grounding任务)被AAAI 2022接收的一篇工作 Negative Sample Matters: A Renaissance of Metric Learning for T…阅读全文 赞同96 3 条评论 分享收藏 ICLR 2022有哪些值得关注的投稿? Huang 间歇性...
Action-Agnostic Point-Level Supervision for Temporal Action Detection 8 p. Branes Screening Quarks and Defect Operators 84 p. SoS Certificates for Sparse Singular Values and Their Applications: Robust Statistics, Subspace Distortion, and More 31 p. Two-component Dark Matter and low scale Therma...
Recent endeavors in video temporal grounding enforce strong cross-modal interactions through attention mechanisms to overcome the modality gap between video and text query. However, previous works treat all video clips equally regardless of their semantic relevance with the text query in attention modules...
这篇文章总结了Activities and Objects Grounding by Language in Videos 这个新方向,主要分为了两部分,第一部分是讲了用language作为查询 去做Activity temporal localization, 第二部分总结了 object spatio-temporal referring。目前来看,各个问题已有的方法都停留在一个非常基础的阶段,基本是把16年做object referring的...
Video Temporal Grounding (VTG) focuses on accurately identifying event timestamps within a particular video based on a linguistic query, playing a vital role in downstream tasks such as video browsing and editing. While Video Large Language Models (video LLMs) have made significant progress in und...