Video Streaming 的应用就目前最被讨论的理论做简单介绍。 Video Streaming 系统概观 一个完整的 Video Streaming 系统应该包含四个部份: Content (例如影像、声音、coded 资料) Server Client Data network (例如 Internet,或任何链接 server-client 的媒介) 那么我们在这一系列 Video Streaming 主题介绍的有那些呢?从...
mod_mp3 是 Open Source 的 streaming 软件。mod_mp3 并不是 Video Streaming 的软件,但同样是利用 streaming 的技术所设计的 apache module。 mod_mp3 可以利用 apache 来架设 streaming server,主要的功能是将 MP3放进 cache 里,再利用拨放程序就可以经由网络享受 MP3 streaming的服务。 mod_mp3 的架设相当简单...
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As we know, SRT is an open source video streaming protocol developed by Haivision and Wowza. Many people would think that it will be a substitute for RTMP in the near future. Because the RTMP protocol has lower security and relatively high latency, compared to the SRT protocol, it supports ...
Video.js - open source HTML5 video player JavaScript38.5k7.5k http-streaminghttp-streamingPublic HLS, DASH, and future HTTP streaming protocols library for video.js JavaScript2.6k429 mux.jsmux.jsPublic Lightweight utilities for inspecting and manipulating video container formats. ...
open-sourceopensourcevideovideo-playerencoderstreamermediamedia-servermedia-playerfree-softwarefreevideo-streamingmediamanagervideo-sharingsocial-featuresstreamer-toolvideosharingstreamer-siteavideoavideo-platform UpdatedMar 10, 2025 JavaScript A curated list of awesome streaming video tools, frameworks, libraries,...
用于整合修改的http-streaming: v1.13.3w1 暂无标签 JavaScript等 3 种语言 Apache-2.0 Code of conduct 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(505) 全部 近期动态 2年多前推送了新的v7.21.0w1分支 2年多前同步了仓库 4年多前推送了新的v7.8.4w1分支 5年多前推送了新的提交到v7.6.0w1分支,0132485...f35a029 ...
Have your own open source mobile broadcasting app within days! We whitelabel and tweak our reliable BroadcastMe app to fit your needs in the shortest time possible.” Augmented Reality Streaming / Broadcast Custom Frames You have full control over the frames so you can integrate Augmented Reality...
Support virtual live streaming, covert file or other resource to live. Support WebRTC face to face chat, see#2857. Support WebRTC video chat room, see#2924. Support a set of tools for developer, see#2891. Collect logs of mgmt and containers together. ...
When streaming endpoint is disabled, Azure AI Video Indexer will show a descriptive error on the player page. Error handling improvement Status code 409 will now be returned fromRe-Index VideoandUpdate Video IndexAPIs in case a video is actively indexed, to prevent overriding the current reindex...