BRONX SIU follows the pursuits of homicide detective, Jimmy Blue (White). Jimmy suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and after a string of appalling homicides cause outrage in the city, Jimmy is commissioned to head up an elite unit of investigators tasked with solving the most heinous cr...
Months after I turned 16, I was taking my road test (on Castle Hill Ave.) and noticed that the YMCA Day Camp was shut down. It's quite a shame to see nothing to look back on when you've attended that camp for six years. Oh well, life goes on. I'm 23 now and hope that ...
Description: In the Bronx in 1962, Italian American bouncer Tony Lip searches for new employment while the Copacabana is closed for renovations. He is invited to an interview with Dr. Don Shirley, an African American pianist in need of a driver for his eight-week concert tour through the ...
Since the Bronx Zoo cobra is now a celebrity, the zoo has decided it needs an actual name. But they’re letting the public do the naming, so if you’ve got ideas, pitch them. We promise they don’t bite. Hop... See full article at The Backlot ...
2. Road Test #80 3. Grandpa's Car #81 4. Kodachrome #82 5. Private Butthead #83 Wonder Years Volume 19 1. Of Mastodons and Men #84 2. Double Double Date #85 3. Hero #86 4. Lunch Stories #87 5. Carnal Knowledge #88 Wonder Years Volume 20 1. The Lost Weekend #89 2. ...
One Dead, One Injured In Shooting In Bronx New York On East 187 Street And Tiebout Avenue 01:34 RUSHES: The Fox: Bedford Police Evidence and interviews 00:14 TN vs Joel Guy Trial - BROLL 01:38 TN vs Joel Guy Trial - DET. JEREMY MCCORD - KNOX CO. SHERIFF'S OFC. - DIRECT 01:44...
It's hard enough to remain on the road much less engage in combat. You typically get one nitro boost per race but it's weak. Every so often the game will declare your vehicle "wrecked" for no apparent reason. There's nothing worse than having this happen on the final lap, meaning yo...
My interest in Madden waned during the PS4 era, but with a new generation upon us I thought it was time to climb back on the wagon. It helps that this year's cover is graced by the late, great John Madden himself. I regard the many years he provided color commentary alongside Pat ...
Super Off-Road GB Swamp Thing GB Sword of Hope GB Sword of Hope II GB T2 The Arcade Game GB TaleSpin GB Tasmania Story GB Taz-mania GB Tecmo Bowl GB Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Radical Rescue GB Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II Back From the Sewers GB Teenage Mutant...
The Kennedys (2013) BBC In this BBC cheeky sitcom loosely based on Emma Kennedy’s memoirs, it’s the 1970s, and Brenda, Tony and Emma Kennedy move to Jessop Road estate, in Stevenage. Brenda aspires to the ‘middle class’ lifestyle, and is excited about the opportunity for social dev...