通过对同一张照片的彩色版和灰度版进行余弦相似度(cosine similarity)计算,发现两者相似度在0.8左右,即灰度图像损失了约20%的有效信息。 定义本文彩色-灰度视频间行人重识别的问题:Color to Gray Video Person Re-identification (CGVPR). (2)Contribution: ① 提供了一个新的基准数据集,命名为 true-color and g...
Video person re-identification (video Re-ID) is a key technology applied to video surveillance and security. Typical person re-identification is designed to retrieve the correct match of the target image (query) from gallery images, while video Re-ID extends this to query from gallery videos. ...
视频行人重识别:Global-Local Temporal Representations For Video Person Re-Identification 不知道起啥名字 8 人赞同了该文章 没错我又来了,今天更第三篇了。 我在思考究竟是为什么突然间读论文的速度快了那么多。后来我想懂了,目前来说图像行人重识别在刷榜上基本已经达到瓶颈,现在更多的是发展更深层次的领域,...
CVPR 2018 行人重识别:Video Person Re-identification with Competitive Snippet-similarity Aggregation and..,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
(1)Motivation: 监控视频中的行人,有的比较清晰,有的因为距离较远非常模糊. 在高低分辨率方面的行人重识别缺乏数据集和研究. (2)Contribution: ① 提供了一个关于高低分辨率问题(person re-identification between low-resolution and high-resolution,PRLHV)的新数据集,即 HLVID. ...
for Video Person Re-identifification 论文地址: SCAN: Self-and-Collaborative Attention Network for Video Person Re-identificationarxiv.org/abs/1807.05688 那么这篇论文也是一篇比较有意思的论文 正题: 不多逼逼,直接进入正题 那么与前面两篇论文不一样的是,这篇论文的结果跟非常经典的siames网络很想。其实...
【VSA】One-shot video-based person re-identification with variance subsampling algorithm 针对现有工作中存在的错误伪标签问题,文章通过优化样本间的相似性度量和伪标签置信度评估策略来改善这个问题,从而提供模型性能。具体地,文章提出了方差置信度的概念,并设计了方差二次采样算法将方差置信度和距离置信度结合起来...
2016 Elsevier LtdMost existing person re-identification (ReID) methods rely only on the spatial appearance information from either one or multiple person images, whilst ignore the space-time cues readily available in video or image-sequence data. Moreover, they often assume the availability of ...
Traditional Person Re-identification (ReID) methods mainly focus on cross-camera scenarios, while identifying a person in the same video/camera from adjacent subsequent frames is also an important question, for example, in human tracking and pose tracking. We try to address this unexplored in-video...
This paper is devoted to a multifaceted analysis of person re-identification (ReID) in video surveillance systems and modern solution methods using deep learning. The general principles and application of convolutional neural networks for this problem are considered. A classification of person ReID syste...