4. Learn French FAST 1-on-1 With Your Own Teacher 03:24 P25. Learn the Top 10 French Phrases to Amaze Native Speakers 04:00 P26. Learn the Top 10 French Phrases You Never Want to Hear 03:43 P26. Get French Mini-Lessons Delivered To You Everyday! 0120 P26. Learn the Top...
P326328. Learn Korean FAST 1-on-1 With Your Own Teacher 03:24 P327329. Ask a Teacher with Jae - Why Does Ipnida Sound Like Imnida 02:14 P328330. Korean Listening Practice - Giving Back to the Community in South Korea 03:45 P329331. Korean Listening Practice - What's On These Sh...
video 17 letter–sounds中英文剪辑 原创 美国小学英语 2021-10-04 17:37 ,时长 04:43 展开 使用字母和字母声音知识配置文件,检查和分析学生的回答,以确定学生是否可以做的以及他们需要额外支持的内容.如果学生需要额外的支持,则该资源的重点教学策略可用于支持其在该...
recording- a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recorded videocassette- a cassette for videotape videotape- a video recording made on magnetic tape Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Looking China: The sounds that need to be passed on Looking China: Banging the drums for Shamanism Looking China: Tea Mountain, the place we call home Looking China: Fixing watches and rebuilding a shattered life Looking China: Peace by Piece Looking China: Searching for silent harmony in clay...
Learning English Phonics has never been this easy! Meet the Letters taught children the names of all of the letters of the alphabet. Now, with Meet the Letter Sounds, children will learn the different sounds that each letter makes. Meet the Letter Sou
Learn about long vowel sounds, short vowel sounds, and their important differences. Identify long and short vowel words, and understand using long...
always on the same side (left visual hemifield/left speaker or right visual hemifield/right speaker). Participants were asked to respond as fast and as accurately as possible by pressing the letter “Z” for any stimulus appearing on their left side and the letter “M” for any stimulus appe...
Death Walks On High Heels • • Death Walks Twice: L.ercoli • • Death Will Have Your Eyes • Decameron, The (criterion Box) • Decameron, The (criterion Box) • • Deep Red (arrow Video Uhd Ltd) • • Deep Red (arrow Video Uhd) • • • Deep Red...
LeapFrog: The Letter Factory: Directed by Roy Allen Smith. With Rachel Adams, Joe Alaskey, Ogie Banks, Sheryl Bernstein. Tad's learning adventure begins in The Letter Factory along with Professor Quigley as they learn all 26 letters from A to Z join in t