The Picot Stitch is a little decorative nub or loop that adds interest, and often texture, to crochet projects. It's often seen on the points of crochet snowflakes and doilies, and on the borders of blankets. It's also part several different stitch patterns. There are two different ways ...
Post stitches, often called Relief Stitches, or Raised Stitches, are crochet stitches that are worked around the stems, or posts, of the stitches in previous rows. They are always worked around the post from right to left, and the difference between front post and back post is which side o...
FREE Written Crochet Pattern: Aspen Baby Blanket-There many different reasons to be inspired. The Aspen Baby Blanket was inspired by friends celebrating the birth of their baby. The Aspen tree was the foundation for this piece. Created using series of front and back post stitches, it creates ...
You can create chevron crochet stitches in many different ways. This is a unique one for you to try. 5. Long Single Crochet Spike Stitch Spike crochet stitches use the same concept as above: you work the stitch into the row below the one you usually work into. In this case, you’re ...
Stitches & NotesBLsc (back loop single crochet): Single crochet into the back loop only.Fsc Arch (foundation single crochet arch): Insert hook into same st, yarnover and pull up a loop, yarnover and pull through 1 loop — 1 chain made. Yarnover and pull through 2 loops — 1 fsc ma...
Mock Crochet Hat . . . For More Loom Knitting Videos: They are not in any particular order or group category.If you have a project in mind that you would like to see here go to the bottom of the page and write it in the Comments section. I will do my best to make that item on...
Sometimes, you make a mistake in your knitting. You have some different options for how you deal with that. In both crochet and knitting, you can “frog” the work. However, you have an even better options sometimes with knitting. You can “tink” it. In other words, you can “un-kn...
creative circle embroidery flower stitches, new hand embroidery flower design, Brazilian Embroidery. latest hand embroidery flower design, very easy fantasy flower embroidery design #FlowerEmbroidery. Hand Embroidery Amazing Crochet Kniting 3D Flower Making Needle Art Idea With Easy Sewing #shorts. ...
Cat Bordhi has once again turned the sock knitting world on its heel with this long-awaited book. Bordhi has the unique ability to see in an object something completely different from what you or I may see. This book stems from one such observation: The arch stitches in socks don't need...
20 stitches x 10 rows = 4″/10 cm in V Stitch ABBREVIATIONS SPECIAL STITCH “V” Stitch: Double crochet (dc), chain 1 (ch 1), double crochet (dc) in the same stitch. DIRECTIONS With A, ch 240. Row 1:“V” stitch in 4th ch from hook, *sk 2, “V” stitch in next ch; rep...