Angela Pasqualotto from the University of Trento and her team have now tested whether such video games can help primary school children learn to read. They’ve developed such a computer game called Skies of Manawak.“Reading involves many important skills, including knowing how to move our eyes...
“Dumb Ways to Die” ingeniously combines dark humor with a serious safety message, effectively raising awareness about train safety in a memorable and entertaining way. This demonstrates the power of creativity in addressing serious issues – but also how the ‘typical’ fear factor, ominous scenes...
More than simply being the first fully three-dimensional RTS game,Homeworld'slegacy lies with its storytelling. Where previous titles in the genre had tied missions together with barely coherent narratives, Relic's space opera told a heart-rending story of galactic refugees fleeing persecution to fi...
Public Relations (PR) began an important path in digital communication with their audiences about 25 years ago. After an initial period in which they imported the offline strategies into the web, the organizations developed particular actions adapted to the logic of the Internet and to their circum...
in which the developers speak of their extensive research, of how they tried to reference the costumes used for historical Chinese heroines in Yun Jin’s design, how they landed upon the concept of “striking a pose” as a key element in her combat animations, how they went out of their ...
When COVID-19 led to mandatory working from home, significant blind spots in supporting the sociality of working life—in the moment and over timeR
Thiscolourful animated videouses Lego bricks as a visual metaphor to explain how their Traffic Analytics API tool works. By using Lego bricks to represent data, the video shows all of the different benefits of the product in a way that is relatable, memorable, and makes their ad more enjoyabl...
progression of time is not the subject of this post. Rather, I want to talk about the presentation of oppression in Mankind Divided. Spoilers for the ending of Human Revolution will of necessity be front and center, so you may wish to stop here if you’ve yet to find out how that ...
Noemí Blager and Tapio Snellman are presenting a newvideoinstallation at theArchitectural Association (AA) in London. The exhibition titled “A Lot with Little” set out to explore and showcase how architects can employ a more economical use of resources to create architectural works that are ...
A gamerip is a collection of music that has been extracted directly from the game, and sometimes it has been tagged with correct song names and numbers, and the songs have been looped for a better listening experience. Some gamerips are so good, they function as soundtracks....