Video compression of coronary angiograms based on discrete wavelet transform with block classi_cation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 15(6), December 1996.B.T. Ho, M. J. Tsai, J. Wei, M. Ma, P. Saipetch, Video compression of coronary angiograms based on discrete wavelet transform...
We present a case of a large type III thoracoabdominal aneurysm in a 72-year-old gentleman. He was unfit for open surgery due to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (FEV1 <1.09 liters) and previous right lobectomy, in addition to a history of coronary artery disease and myocardial ...
* Automatic extraction of coronary arteries using deep learning in invasive coronary angiograms* 链接:* 作者: Yinghui Meng,Zhenglong Du,Chen Zhao,Minghao Dong,Drew Pienta,Zhihui Xu,Weihua Zhou* 其他: 22 pages,5 figures* 摘要: 从侵入性冠状动脉造影(ICA)中准确提取冠状动脉...
Institute of Electric and Electronic EngineerNuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1994: 1994 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1994, 1995, vol.4T. Min-Jen, J. D. Villasenor, and B. Ho, "Coronary angiogram video compression," in Conf. Rec. ...
Coronary angiogram video compression for remote browsing and archiving applications. Comput Med Imaging Graph 2010;34(8):632- 41.A. Ouled Zaid and B. B. Fradj, "Coronary angiogram video compression for remote browsing and archiving applications," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. ...
Vetri Selvi, G.UPSG College of TechnologyNadarajan, RImage Processing, IETSelvi, G.U.V. and R. Nadarajan, 2012. Coronary angiogram video compression using wavelet-based contourlet transform and region-of-interest technique. IET Image Process., 6: 1049-1056. DOI: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2011.0284...
S.ZsoltZ.AnitaK.ORVOSI HETILAPNagy FT, Horvath T, Ungi T, Sasi V, Zimmermann Z, Kalapos A, Forster T, Ungi I, Nemes A: Aortic valve stenosis is associated with reduced myocardial perfusion as assessed by videodensitometry in coronary angiograms. Orv. Hetil. 153, 1256-1262 (2012)...
rate (= 45), presence of acute coronary syndromes, obstructive coronary artery disease, and left ventricular hypertrophy.Conclusion and relevanceThis cross-sectional study represents an early demonstration of estimating LVEF from standard angiogram videos of the left coronary artery using video-based DNNs...
Figure 3a shows a coronary angiogram showing the left coronary circulation. The exam by coronarography consists in a filmed radiography, typically at 30 frames per second, of coronary (arteries using X-rays and a tracer product based on iodine). The procedure involves inserting a catheter (thin...
Anatomical Region/Modality Brain-MRI (T2-weighted image acquired at 3 T) Bladder-MRI (T2-weighted axial image) Heart-MRI (Gradient echo imaging) Abdomen/pelvis-CT Coronary angiogram-X-ray (+a tracer product based on iodine) Number of Frames 144 662 87 295 594 Number of Frames/Second 30 ...