Chief adversary for the duo is Harold Davenport, a Hefner-type hedonist masterfully played by Mike Horner, who seemingly offers the prospect of being a patron of the arts, but turns out toe be just another exploiter. Director Lee recalls the Golden Age of '70s porn by staging two elaborate...
A 2 hour compilation of the ambiance and the pithiest moments of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the discovery of LSD by the Swiss chemist, Dr. Albert Hoffman. The layered effected visuals augment the flow of the verbiage to transfer the experience of being there as much as possible witho...
electric cello, guitar and bass, while Pamela Copus played flutes, harp, keyboards and a WX5 wind instrument. Visit the 2002music.comhomepageand then sample / purchase on their music page or go to their page. My album review quote, andFree to Flysong video from theirA Word in...
Interacting with the SNES brings up text about a game featuring Mario with a bucket on his head being played. This is a reference to the game Mario & Wario, also developed by Game Freak, in which Mario gets a bucket dropped on his head by Wario. This reference also appears in ...
The 3rd Birthday: Directed by Hajime Tabata. With Yvonne Strahovski, Molly C. Quinn, Jensen Ackles, James M. Connor. As the world rests on the brink of destruction by a horrific enemy known as "the Twisted," Aya remains the only candidate able to change
active games- may be a promising alternative to traditional non-active games to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviors in youth. The aim of this manuscript is to describe the design of a study evaluating the effects of a family oriented active game intervention, incorporating ...
(As with all pictures, click to enlarge in a new window, click in new window to further enlarge.) To make this estampie playable, there are some issues of interpretation due to the scribe not always being clear about musical intention. The manuscript page is reproduced on the right, and ...
straight people) was a second marriage of 30+ years duration where the bride was younger than her husband's youngest daughter. I've been with my own partner of 33 years (husband of 3) for all these years despite his being 7 years younger than I (we're BOTH woefully out of shape). ...
Con- sequently, a hint about the object (noun) appearance can of- fer a very strong indication of the actions being performed in the video clip [17, 41]; we illustrate this insight with ex- amples of actions in Figure 2. Girdhar et al. [8] harnessed the appearan...
The VideoHarp is an optical-scanning device for sensing and tracking the movement of multiple fingers which is then used to control the generation of light or sound or to control the motion of other p