To make things simple, we’ll define video game addiction as the excessive attachment you may have to video gaming, which limits and prevents you from performing well in other areas of life. Video game addiction is more popular among men than it is among women. What Are The Statistics? Let...
This study tested the predictive power of gaming versatility (i.e., the number of video game genres engaged in) on game in male adolescents, controlling for time spent on gaming. Participants were 701 male adolescents attending high school (Mage=15.6 years). Analyses showed that pathological gam...
Gaming habits were assessed such as frequency and weekly hours played and the Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents was applied to a sample of 3748 students between 12 and 17 years old. It was found that 13.5% presented symptoms of problematic gaming and 3.3% a possible video...
The Mindful Gamer is an online program of gaming addiction therapy containing the best, proven techniques to overcome video game addiction. 1000’s of gamers helped!
D. (2022). Stigma and gaming disorder: should we take a ‘glass half full’ or ‘glass half empty’ perspective? Addiction. Pontes, H. M., Schivinski, B., Kannen, C., & Montag, C. (2022). The interplay between time spent gaming and disordered ...
Even though gaming has been around for almost 50 years, studies about its harms are still in the early stages. Different groups have come to different conclusions about whether problem playing should be called an addiction. The World Health Organization added “gaming disorder” to the 2018 versio...
Data were collected through a global questionnaire consisted of a sociodemographic part, the Young Internet Addiction Test, the Problem Video Game playing questionnaire, online network game scale and the Perceived Stress Scale. Results The average age was 27.6 years. The majority (70%) reported ...
Q statistics were again employed, along with adjusted alphas at the level of comparisons, to determine whether levels of the moderators were statistically different from one another. Results Effect sizes comparing video-game players to non-video-game players are reported both at the level of ...
gaming disorder, time spent playing action videogames, working memory capacity, and cognitive control. The sample comprised 527 active gamers (268 female gamers; M = 22.12 years, SD = 2.84, age range: 18–38 years). Gaming disorder was assessed using the Internet Gaming Disorder ...
Combining both can be harmful to young people and vulnerable individuals. Games with loot boxes can attract impulsive children and expose them to gambling-like experiences. At the same time, those with a gambling addiction may spend too much on microtransactions, risking financial and mental health...