Akili Interactive Labs is a Boston-based start-up developing mobile video games to treat ADHD and other neurological conditions including autism, depression, Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injuries. 阿科力干扰性治疗实验室是一家位于波士顿的初创公司,致力于研发手机游戏治疗注意力缺失多动症和其他...
wheredopamineis the neurotransmitter, become active when people are playing video games, and drugs like heroin activate some of these same pathways. What Kardaris’s and similar articles leave out, however, is the fact that everything that is pleasurable activates these pathways. These are the...
Along with my partner, I write video games that are typically classified as visual novels (though, due to certain biases, we often call them adventure games). Bandersnatch,at its heart, shares a lot of DNA with visual novels. Specifically, the participation of the reader/player/viewer is lim...
This study was the first to show that video games do more than increase aggression. It linked some games to the use by teens of alcohol and illegal drugs as well as to risky driving. Whether the effect is good or bad, experts estimate young people will spend more than $100 billion on...
Video games: the addictionGrand Theft Auto,Games,Psychology,Drugs
This study, however, is the first to show that video games do more than increased aggression. It links some games to the use by teens of alcohol and illegal drugs, to risky driving and unsafe sexual behaviors.( )27. Which of the following persons might be asked by researchers at Oxford ...
When the medical impact of video games tends to be discussed, it is usually in terms that elicit concerned handwringing, much of it justified. Researchers warn about thehealth costsof idle hours spent on a couch with controllers in hand, of gamers'imperiled gray matter, and ofsimulated violenc...
For as long as humans have played games against each other, some have done anything to win: cork-filled bats; greased baseballs; deflated footballs; performance-enhancing drugs; the list goes on and on. Cheating seems to be an intrinsic part of sports. E-sports ...
This study, however, is the first to show that video games do more than increased aggression. It links some games to the use by teens of alcohol and illegal drugs, to risky driving and unsafe sexual behaviors.( )27. Which of the following persons might be asked by researchers at Oxford ...