Video Game Blog Find Video Game Stores Near You Create Your Gameroom Profile Welcome to This website began as my own personal project to catalogue my video game collection. I soon realized I could adapt it to help gamers everywhere. The site is free to join and offers featur...
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Once all the audio files are in the game directory, and the game is configured to play them, you’re ready to test out your new music player. This is where you go through all the audio files in the game directory and play them one at a time, making sure everything is set up corre...
One of the absolute best games ever made. An extremely well written story that is extremely funny while also having real stakes. The story is simple but also complex. The game upgrades off of the original games mechanics by adding new items to be used in puzzles that change momentum, altitu...
new ColecoVision Flashback console with 60 built-in games. Coleco's late entry into the early 80s console wars was one of my favorites, simply because it was the first to offer a near-arcade experience at home. The fact that the pack-in game was Donkey Kong didn't hurt things, either...
Covering just the most significant parts of the gaming console and video game history would require a lot of space. We'll just do a quick rundown of some of the most important moments in gaming that o
and I found there's absolutely nothing I can do with the latter two, outside of allowing me to finish the game by firing off the Nuke (which I only managed to do by reading up on how to open the damn doors to the lift out of all things!). Repair was completely useless - perhaps...
The game stores photos in high-resolution formats, preserving image quality for future sharing or editing. Each platform maintains specific storage limits: DreamSnaps Integration DreamSnaps transforms photo sharing into an interactive community experience: ...
Anyone who has spent any time on the Internet will understand what I mean when I say its easy […] OverwatchPC Why the Oculus Rift Needs Facebook Published:April 18, 2014byJason Messer We all should be hitting the “Like” button right now. People have been up in arms over the […...
Loot boxes are gambling-like monetisation mechanics in video games that are purchased for opportunities to obtain randomised in-game rewards. Gambling regu