As a distinctive form of art, video games feature a narrative element in a similar way that literature, theatre, and cinema do; however, there are certain characteristics that make video game narrative different from its counterparts in other art forms. Through the video games' brief history (...
Call this revision of the Analogy Argument theInternal Logic Argument(ILA). The ‘logic’ of a video game is the structure, incentives, and constraints that guide player behavior. It is a matter of what the player can do and what they are encouraged to do in the game. In other words, ...
The video game offers far greater potential for the creation and presentation of history than any other entertainment or interactive media. Although computer and video games may seem to be far removed from the historical narrative, both examine and form points of view about how cultures, economies...
This theory is bolstered by the list below, an eighteen game parade of the medium's heaviest hitters that all happen to have some of the most memorable intro levels in gaming. Whether it be an unforgettable musical theme, insane narrative twist, or utterly impressive gameplay section, all ...
The best video game stories of all time, from Mass Effect 2's intergalactic soap opera to Life is Strange's affecting drama.
Solidifying the franchise’s powerhouse status, the narrative's biting social commentary and vast, open-world gameplay impressively struck a chord with audiences globally. Genres (Video game): Shooter, Racing, Adventure Dig Deeper The Best Grand Theft Auto V Radio Stations And Deeper The Best GTA...
However, such a narrative of emancipation does not seem to propose a solid ground for its definition. Independent gaming is often presented as based on a technological revolution in the processes of game development. Also, it appears to be based on the alleged freedom of the independent ...
While such an approach might seem too essentializing to some, it is exactly what the new field of video game studies needs at this moment, and it picks up on conversations about such crucial qualities as game time, space, and narrative initiated in The Medium of the Video Game. 1 In ...
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Meditation game history is just getting started. Up next:Inward, from the same developer who brought usPlayne. How does this one advance the whole genre? We'll find out when it goes into full release later this year, and will keep updating this story when new meditation games are released...