Tiger Casino (Tiger Game.com)Royal Dealer (Intellivision)Blast Droids Grade: C Publisher: Esoterica (1983)Reviewed: 2014/4/6 I love the concept behind Blast Droids, and with more polish it could have qualified for a hidden gem icon. Looking a lot like Omega Race (Colecovision, 1983), ...
Publisher: Esoterica (1982)Posted: 2009/2/8 Readers: A- (21 votes)This perfectly-executed Pac-Man knock-off impressed the hell out of me. If you take the original Pac-Man arcade game, lower its resolution and cut out the intermissions, you're left with Muncher. The vibrant graphics ...
AugustEsoterica commented Sep 17, 2023 Have you tried the nightlies? There has been a fix (mmx support is actually enabled in the nightlies). I was under the impression that was implemented back in 8.1.2? Regardless, seems like the issue persists in and
Find Tornado Baseball, Tennis, Hockey, and Handball oneBay,Amazon,YouTube,Forums Copylink to this review 2 players Treasure Cove Grade: B The third-party title boasts one of the best title screens you'll see in a classic game (granted, there's not much competition). It features a huge ...
Candy Man's gameplay is hampered by so-so gameplay and less-than-responsive controls. New enemies emerge in later stages - usually lurking in the corners. Bonus stages let you nab the gremlins for points, but it's too easy and unsatisfying. When the game is over the screen continuously ...