We're listing theworst video game characterswho also happen to be women. They're not bad because they're female, they're bad because they're underwritten. Who are the worstfemale video game characters? These 10 examples will provide you a foundation to see what fictional ladies aren't up ...
Violent video game effects Violent video games, where the main objective is to harm other game characters, are highly popular. For example, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, a first person shooter video game, grossed over $600 million in the first three days of its release. The question of how...
One of the most iconic series in the history of Japanese RPG The Tales Of series is all about adventure in fantasy worlds, and overcoming obstacles through friendship and determination. During your journey, you will meet with a cast of endearing charac
The best video game movies of all time, from Silent Hill, to Resident Evil, and 2020's Sonic the Hedgehog
players and developers. Insofar as a game is criticized on moral grounds, we take this to be a criticism either of those who created its content or those who created the particular instances of violence by playing the game. Some may object that critics should direct their objections and blame...
All your favorite ATLA characters get to rumble on Xbox Series S and Playstation 5. Who would be your go-to character? Aang: Character attributes- (Level 1-5) Speed= Level 5 Agility= Level 4 Offense= Level 2 (uses few attacks at a time) ...
thrilling in a way that never gets old. Then there's Alucard, fromCastlevania: Symphony of the Night, one of the best jumping video game characters out there. That goes double if you get the double jump upgrade for him. With all of these characters, it's hard to choose the best one!
The best video game stories of all time, from Mass Effect 2's intergalactic soap opera to Life is Strange's affecting drama.
It's worth giving praise to the trailblazing characters who let LGBT folks see themselves in a whole new light: as heroes, storytellers, rebels, and sometimes just plain badasses. These are just a few of the best out and proud characters that players hav
where we must admit there was plenty of competition in the 'best game character' stakes. There's the geeky Bernard, slacker Hoagie, and quirky (to say the least) Laverne, all independently playable characters, all in different time eras. However, Dr Fred wins out, even above the dastardly...