视频超分:RISTN(Residual Invertible Spatio-Temporal Network for Video Super-Resolution) 2.4 使用Non-Local网络 [ECCV2020]MuCAN: Multi-Correspondence Aggregation Network for Video Super-Resolution 这篇文章作者主要在于突出利用多帧输入里面帧间和帧内的信息,对此作者分别提出了Temporal Multi-Correspondence Aggregat...
Video super-resolution (VSR) methods have recently achieved a remarkable success due to the development of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN). Current state-of-the-art CNN methods usually treat the VSR problem as a large number of separate multi-frame super-resolution tasks, at which a ba...
In this thesis, we address this issue by using super-resolution techniques as a middlestep, where multiple low resolution face image frames are used to obtain a high-resolutionface image for improved recognition rates. Two different techniques based on frequency andspatial domains were utilized in ...
Reconstruction-based super-resolution has been widely treated in computer vision. However, super-resolution of facial images has received very little attention. Since different parts of a face may have different motions in normal videos, this paper proposes a new method for enhancing the resolution ...
The employed super-resolution algorithm is applied on the best image resulting in an improved and enhanced high-quality, high-resolution image. 展开 关键词: Super-resolution Face detection Face quality assessment Facial feature extraction 会议名称: 2014 International Conference on Communications and ...
Super-resolution and facial expression for face recognition in video A closed-loop system for incremental super-resolution of video and its use for face recognition. The system uses a generic 3D model of the face and compensates for changing illumination and 3D pose in video. (2) Super-...
* Stochastic Attribute Modeling for Face Super-Resolution* 链接: arxiv.org/abs/2207.0794* 作者: Hanbyel Cho,Yekang Lee,Jaemyung Yu,Junmo Kim* 摘要: 当将高分辨率(HR)图像降低到低分辨率(LR)图像中时,该图像将失去一些现有信息。因此,多个HR图像可以对应于LR图像。大多数现有方法都不考虑由随机属性...
Real-Time Single Image and Video Super-Resolution Using an Efficient Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
【图像超分辨率】Understanding Deformable Alignment in Video Super-Resolution,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Performance of current face recognition algorithms reduces significantly when they are applied to low-resolution face images. To handle this problem, superresolution techniques can be applied either in the pixel domain or in the face subspace. Since face images are high dimensional data which are mos...