进而在模型推理的时候,结合DDIM inversion拿到的init latents,通过改变text prompt来实现editing的效果,总体上可以理解为通过一个per-video model weights来实现了motion transfer。 Tune-A-Video的微调和推理过程 从上图我们可以看到Tune-A-Video的做法同样是往U-net中加入adapter的方式,让adapter从视频数据的训练中学习...
3、Ground-A-Video: Zero-shot Grounded Video Editing using Text-to-image Diffusion Models Ground-A-Video: Zero-shot Grounded Video Editing using... 让我想到了当年水多属性编辑image的盛况 4、ControlVideo: Conditional Control for Text-driven Video Editing and Beyond ControlVideo: Conditional Control ...
所以从general的video clip里面学习motion pattern, 应用到personilzed的t2i模型上就能让图片变成动画 AnimateDiff就提出了两个module加在Latent Diffusion Model的video pretraining过程中,实现这个功能 Text2Video-Zero AnimateDiff还是需要在webvid上进行大规模训练,一次训练,即插即用到其他t2i模型上 工作考虑不经过额外...
VideoPoet T2V Generation & Editing - Stable Video Diffusion T2V Generation NeverEnds T2V Generation - Pika T2V Generation - EMU-Video T2V Generation - GEN-2 T2V Generation & Editing - ModelScope T2V Generation ZeroScope T2V Generation - T2V Synthesis Colab T2V Genetation VideoCraft T2...
computer-visionvideo-editingdiffusion-modelaigccontrolnet UpdatedSep 7, 2023 Python lettier/gifcurry Star1.4k Code Issues Pull requests 😎 The open-source, Haskell-built video editor for GIF makers. linuxgifsgif-libraryimagemagickgtkguihaskellvideogstreamerubuntufunctional-programmingfedoraarch-linuxgifan...
For more, please check:Awesome Video Diffusion Video Editing 更可能是商业化的方向。 FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis Conditional Video Generation Pose Guided Video Generation Depth Guided Video Generation ...
To address this gap, we propose FLDM (Fused Latent Diffusion Model), a training-free framework that achieves high-quality T2V editing by integrating various T2I and T2V LDMs. Specifically, FLDM utilizes a hyper-parameter with an update schedule to effectively fuse image and video latents ...
Recent advances in diffusion models have successfully enabled text-guided image inpainting. While it seems straightforward to extend such editing capability into video domain, there has been fewer works regarding text-guided video inpainting. Given a video, a masked region at its initial frame, and ...
Existing diffusion-based video editing models have made gorgeous advances for editing attributes of a source video over time but struggle to manipulate the motion information while preserving the original protagonist’s appearance and background. To address this, we propose MotionEditor, a ...
26 May 2024·Wenqi Ouyang,Yi Dong,Lei Yang,Jianlou Si,Xingang Pan· The remarkable generative capabilities of diffusion models have motivated extensive research in both image and video editing. Compared to video editing which faces additional challenges in the time dimension, image editing has witne...