“点击观看全屏视频”是一种目标内容类型,使广告主能够在 Fire 平板电脑上提供优质的视频播放体验。点击该行动号召按钮后,系统将打开自动开始播放的全屏视频。除了标准媒体控件外,还可以在视频屏幕左上角添加一个或两个行动号召按钮;这些按钮可选,且只有当媒体控件处于活动状态时才可见。视频以品牌的“结尾画面”结束。
Fire 平板電腦上的亞馬遜影片廣告需要背景圖像、行動呼籲按鈕和視頻資產。 資產尺寸最大檔案大小格式最小值字體大小(美國/歐盟)最小值字號大小(日本) 背景1200 x 1920 像素(寬)和 1920 x 1200 像素(長度)3500 kbJPG32 pt28 pt 按鈕1200 x 1920 像素(寬)和 1920 x 1200 像素(長度)3500 kbPNG-2432 pt28 ...
亚马逊网站、移动应用和 Fire 平板电脑的唤醒屏幕可执行此广告素材;点击此处,查看适用于亚马逊视频广告的广告素材指南。此页面专门用于 Fire 平板电脑上的亚马逊视频广告。 体验概述 当买家打开 Fire 设备时,内嵌视频会自动开始播放,但没有声音。点击视频可取消视频静音。此创意素材执行不支持全屏播放;请考虑改用点击观看...
Amazon has also extended the new calling feature to the Fire tablet, which allows children to connect with friends and family. All that is needed for children to make Alexa voice or video calls is an Echo device, Fire tablet, mobile device, and the Amazon Kids app. Using the Alexa app, ...
Hacer clic para ver el video en pantalla completa es un tipo de destino que les permite a los anunciantes promocionar su marca mediante una experiencia de reproducción de video en Fire tablet.
To make calls using Alexa, you must first have the Alexa app on your phone or tablet. Alexa app for iPhone Alexa app for Android Alexa calling is also available using the Alexa app on the Kindle Fire tablet, generation 4 and later. ...
Los anuncios de video de Amazon en la Fire tablet requieren una imagen de fondo, un botón de llamada a la acción y un recurso de video. Recurso Dimensiones Peso máx. del archivo Formato Tamaño mín. de fuente (EE. UU./UE) Tamaño mín. de fuente (Japón) Fondos 1200 x 1920 px...
Videos displaying on desktop and mobile can be up to 3 minutes – but 15 seconds or less is ‘highly recommended.’ For videos displaying on Fire Tablet, 15 seconds is the maximum duration. Amazon also requires you to account for their video players ‘safe areas.’ This means you need to...
Note: The Amazon Fire TV and Amazon Fire Tablet have their own parental controls that need to be adjusted and managed separately. How many devices can stream Amazon Prime Video at the same time? Each Amazon Prime Video account allows users to stream content on up to three devices simultaneousl...
Amazons Fire Tablets aren't know for being anything more than a way to browse the web or shop on Amazon. The Fire Max 11 just might change that.