Anomaly detection in videos remains a challenging task due to the ambiguous definition of anomaly and the complexity of visual scenes from real video data. Different from the previous work which utilizes reconstruction or prediction as an auxiliary task to learn the temporal regularity, in this work...
Weakly-supervised的开山之作,提出了UCF-Crime数据集,Loss的设计是为了区别positive bag里面最高分的anomaly(异常中最具有代表性的anomaly sample)和negative bag(正常中最像anomaly的normal sample)。 2.MIST: Multiple Instance Self-Training Framework for Video Anomaly Detection (CVPR2021) A two-stageself-trainin...
1. Video Anomaly Detection and Localization via Gaussian Mixture Fully Convolutional Variational Autoencoder (基于高斯混合全卷积变分自编码器的视频异常检测与定位) 图1 基于高斯混合全卷积变分自编码器的异常检测框架 采用流行的双流网络代替通常的光流来使用动态流来检测运动异常; 提出了一种基于样本能量的基于高斯...
In this work, a comprehensive study of an existing anomaly detection frameworkhas been carried out. After identifying current challenges in the field of anomalydetection in video sequences, an existing framework has been selected for its implementationand evaluation. A set of video sequences containin...
Another work for theanomaly detectionis the one proposed by Ahmed et al.[144]. In this paper, the authors used two different data sets: pictures of a highway in Quebec taken by a network of webcams and IP traffic statistics from the Abilene network. These examples demonstrate the applicabil...
Video anomaly detection and localization using hierarchical feature representation and Gaussian process regression This paper presents a hierarchical framework for detecting local and global anomalies via hierarchical feature representation and Gaussian process regressi... KW Cheng,YT Chen,WH Fang - IEEE ...
We thus apply a methodology of anomaly detection based on comparing the outputs of strong and weak classifiers [10] to the problem of detecting the rule-incongruence involved in the transition from singles to doubles tennis videos. We then demonstrate how the detected anomalies can be used to ...
1.开山之作:《Real-world Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos》 提到VAD的弱监督,就不得不提到开山之作《Real-world Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos》。这篇文章于2018年发表在CVPR上,是首次将MIL方法迁移到VAD领域的文章,并因此开创了VAD的弱监督方法。
Microsoft Developer Community Blog 10 MIN READ Video Anomaly Detection with Deep Predictive Coding Networks wopauli MicrosoftMay 11, 2019 Video Anomaly Detection with Deep Predictive Coding Networks The code to reproduce this approach can be found on github: https://github...