michel foucault left us with an implicit reflection about the meaning of the work of the ?master of life,? just as antique philosophy (greco-roman) practiced and made a problem of it. in foucault?s studies about ancient philosophy, which will soon be available as a whole in a written ...
This article aims to interpret the last course taught by Michel Foucault at the C貌llege de France, in 1984, extracting from it a kind of philosophical testament. I begin by seeking to make a parrhesiastic rendering of accounts emerge from this Foucaultian self-w...
La vida en sentido extramoral. Ensayo sobre la inquietud de sí como política de la desindividualizacióndoi:10.19053/01235095.v7.n29.2021.13184FOUCAULT, Michel, 1926-1984SELFMETAPHYSICSHOSTILITYGENEALOGYREMINISCENCEThis article approaches Michel Foucault's work ...
La vida como concepto politico : una lectura de Foucault y Deleuze. Athenea Digital, Barcelona, n.7, p. 87-104, 2005.GARCES, M., (2005), "La vida como concepto politico: una lectura de Foucault y Deleuze", Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigacion social, Dept. de ...
GOVERNAMENTALIDADE, BIOPOLíTICA E VIDA PRECáRIA: A PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 NO BRASILBiopoliticsBrazilCOVID-19GovernmentalityPrecarious lifeThis article discusses the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Brazil, having as reference the theoretical readings of Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Nikolas Rose ...
the gradual politicization of biological life (or biological concept of the political, that is, the thesis biopolitics developed from some the writings, courses and lectures taught by Michel Foucault in the early 1970) and secondly, the increasing mechanization of production processes, human capabiliti...
The analysis was based on concepts of Philosophy of Difference, Michel Foucault's theory, and Collective Health. Results: The paths taken by the guide user formed her existential territory in this process of territorialization, deterritorialization, and reterritorialization. It was noticed...
Peritos do estilo de vida: transformando atitudes do telespectador do Bem Estardoi:10.4013/fem.2016.183.11We analyze how health experts on Bem Estar television show (TV Globo) encourage modeling practices of viewers' conduct. The concept of governmentality - created by Michel Fo...
The theoretical field undertaken in this study refers, principally, to Michel Foucault's studies regarding discussions about subject and subjectivity. How discourses of truth are composed on the subject of health and old age of the population are problematized. It is ...