提取码:7r4d 适用型号: 15-fa0013TX、15-fa0014TX、15-fa0015TX、15-fa0016TX、15-fa0017TX 原装出厂系统自带所有驱动、出厂主题壁纸、系统属性专属联机支持标志、系统属性专属LOGO标志、Office办公软件、惠普电脑管家、OMEN Command Center等预装程序 所需要工具:32G或以上的U盘 文件格式:ISO 文件大小:21.29GB 注...
HP Pavilion 15 Ryzen 5, HP Omen 15 dc1010nr, and HP Gaming 15 ec0013dx. Whether you're a gamer, a creative professional, or someone who values both style and protection, this skin cover has got you covered. It's designed to fit snugly over your laptop's top, around the keyboard,...