How Do Demons Operate?Identify the Four Sources of WisdomLocate the Arena of InvolvementClearly Know Your Authority in Jesus' NameActions to be Taken Against the EnemyDemonic Activity: Nature, Names, Missions, Results, and Manifestations Door Openers to Demonic OppressionProblems Commonly Encountered...
.Ihavefoundtheabovethreeresourcestobeexcellent andveryeffectiveinalllevelsofspiritualwarfare.TheseareresourcesthatI’mabletofully endorse. •“VictoryOverTheDarkness”byNeilAnderson.RegalBooksPublishing,2000 It’sJesus’promisetoyou—thepromisethatyoulivetriumphantly.Butwhatkeepsyou fromreallywalkinginthejoyofthe...
In this chapter, Immanuel Kant's account of the history of the true (universal) church has a clear progression. It moves from a discussion of Jesus' radical break with all that was nonuniversal in Judaism, to the tendency of Christians down through the ages to shape their faith into ...
HISTORY AND THE VICTORY OF GOD: THE CONTRIBUTION OF N. T. WRIGHT TO THE STUDY OF THE HISTORICAL JESUSN. T. Wright's Christian Origins and the Question of God series is a landmark in New Testament scholarship not only for the ambitious scope and comprehensivenature of its inquiry but also...