Victory Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist church that has been ministering to the needs of people in southern West Virginia since 1978. Thank you for visiting our site. We hope it will help you get to know us better. What We Believe ...
Victory Baptist Academy is a ministry of Victory Baptist Church that endeavors to meet the need of her church members, as well as other Christian families or students, to provide a Bible-based, Christian education for their children. Acting as an extension of the home, the church has employed...
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T. Kevan Bartlett 2024年9月1日 若百書 14:1 There Is a Difference T. Kevan Bartlett 2024年8月28日 查看更多讲道 网站地图 首页 布道 关于 关注我们 联系我们 (304) 984-9514 Maranatha Baptist Church One Maranatha Acres Charleston, WV 25312 发送消息 由提供支持 ...