Robbie calls Cat by her full name at the lunch table. This is the first time anyone (besides Cat herself on TheSlap) has ever called her by her full name on the show. When Cat asks Robbie to fix her wig, he says "okay" in a sad and reluctant way. When Robbie and Cat are leavi...
This shows Jade can be completely hostile-free towards people until they tick her off. That said, this appears more derived from Mrs. Lee funding her play as, in many other episodes, she flew into rages at completely innocent statements from people outside the gang. Jade likes scaring ...
There are many new, amazing episodes coming your way. Victorious has been an incredible, life-changing journey for all of us, and you guys have been there supporting us every step of the way. The real thank you goes out to YOU guys for being so devoted to the show. For watching all ...
Her full name "Victoria" is a reference to her actor. Tori, Cat, André, and Jade are the only characters that sang on the show. She can shoot a bow and arrow with her feet, as seen in "The Breakfast Bunch". Her locker has the words "Make it Shine" on it, the name of the ...