Anthony Woodd Gallery, Scottish Art Dealer in Edinburgh. 19th and 20th Century British Paintings for sale. Victorian art and Antiques
1. Why are your oil paintings cheap but in good quality? First, we want to promote our product; secondly, our offer is based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations. 2. How long does it usually take to deliver the paintings?
Pair of Late Victorian Fox Hunting Paintings H 12.6 in W 18.12 in D 1.97 in English painting from the 18th century, fox hunting H 6.7 in W 11.82 in D 1.58 in original oil on canvas XIX th fox hunting dogs and horses signed de marcillac H 21.26 in W 31.89 in Dean Wolstenholme the El...
The first record for the Cooling Galleries I have found, was 22ndMarch 1927[17], regarding the artist, Miss Audrey Weber, exhibiting her water colour drawings, and oil paintings. She also had the story run in the London Times[18]. In November 1927, the soon to be famous Cecil Beaton h...
Deputy safety officer for the pit crew in the mining industry. Deputy, Lodging House made sure that everyone paid for their bed Derrickman A person who worked on an oil well handling the tubes and rods used in drilling. Devil printer's errand boy Deviller operated the devil, a machine tha...
for the woman is said to have been the actor and model, Alexa Wilding, while the two ‘angels’ in the top corners were posed by William and Jane Morris’ youngest daughter, May Morris. The City of London Corporation acquired the oil on canvas work in 1927. On Saturday, free family ...
hoped Stephens would publish verbatim: ‘Mr. Madox Brown has just completed another of his King Lear subjects—thispictureis in water-colour, for we think it is time to give up applying the termdrawingto works which though in water have all the seriousness and solidity of oil. He called ...