Wasteman Someone employed in the mines to check the old workings for gas and maintain them in good order. A person employed to remove waste. Waste Paper Dealer Someone who dealt in waste paper. Watch & Clock Maker Someone who makes watches and clocks. Watch Finisher assembled watches and clo...
“The last thing we would want is for it to end in tragedy.” Operation MotoSafe In previous yearsOperation MotoSafehas consisted of road blocks, random breath testing andnumber plate identificationto check for illegal motorcycles. Victorian Police have previously been accused of being heavy handed...
to that end no such correspondence was ever sent to my email address. I repeatedly asked Hammond to check her email "SENT" records and either retract her statement for having issued the email on 27 November 2021 OR provide a copy of the applicable sent email receipts... Hammond did neither...
(Featured photo: In her crinoline sporting black in 1862. Below with her son in 1860 (check out that carpet!) Eugenie influenced 3 fashion periods within the Victorian era.. .. We discuss Eugenie’s role when we get to the“Crinoline Era” of the 1860’s, the “1st Bustle Era” of ...
The main floor houses a family-friendly neighborhood pub with seating for 100 people, along with a picturesque outdoor patio,while the second floor serves as McMenamins company headquarters.While you’re here, check out the beautiful ironwork throughout the property, fashioned by talented craftsman...
UPDATE 04/07/12: For more Hidden Mother images, check out the follow up to this post, “More hidden mothers in Victorian photography: post-mortem photographs or not?“ Share this with your weirdest friends: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Open...
Wiring is actually quite simple and there’s really not much to know. The trick is, check your work and try to minimize the damage you make existing walls. Lets take the picture you see below as an example: For some reason, the dining room had no chandelier. Luckily, I had clean grou...