Queen Victoria believed that education should be for all, and by the end of her reign, going to school became compulsory for all children, rich or poor. 19th Century photograph of Cheapside in London, England. 10) Improvements in education meant that more people could enjoy reading. Children...
However, life had improved a lot for people by the end of the Victorian era. Laws were put in place that made working conditions a bit better in factories and mines, and that stopped young children from working by requiring them to go to school instead. More people were living in cities,...
School History Link/cite this page If you reference any of the content on this page on your own website, please use the code below to cite this page as the original source. Link will appear asVictorian Era Facts & Worksheets: https://kidskonnect.com- KidsKonnect, September 25, 2024 ...
Just for fun... Quiz yourself on the Victorians! Watch a Horrible Histories video about the Victorian age: Queen Victoria - British Things Song Read English Heritage's Kids Rule! guide to Victorian England magazine to learn all about the Victorians Travel back in time to a Victorian house Pri...
… the Royal Family of England, now tied to royal families of Prussia through this marriage, had: Alexander, 1886; Ena (Eugenie, we will discuss in a bit), 1887; Leopold, 1889; Maurice, 1891 (Photo: Beatrice with her mother Queen Victoria and Henry and kids in about 1890. Note ...
School. He spent 21 years in Calcutta as representative of the Dundee jute merchants, J. C. Duffus & Company. On his return from India he became the local agent for Duffus. He died at Netherlea in January 1939 and a month later his widow had put the house up for sale. The ...
Even when I was young, my Mom told me once that the photos she had taken every year before I started school cost her a week’s paycheck. Early 60s. And my Mom made decent money for a woman back then. So no, these aren’t dead photos. They are just regular photos and the parents...