The Victorian era was a time of great transformation, marked by industrial and technological advances, social and cultural changes, political reforms, and scientific discoveries. It laid the foundations for the modern world, with its influences still visible in contemporary society. The period was ...
Featuresofthesocial,cultureandpoliticallifeofthisperiod:Part1.Victorianism Thegrowthofthemiddleclass(chieflythecapitalists)---theReformBillof1832,politicalpowershifted;《改革法案》---thegapbetweenrichandpoorwidened,theChartistMovement,theworkingclasssigningthePeople‘sCharter;---thedominantpositionofthemiddleclassi...
Nevertheless, at least some persons at the castle were able to maintain their social rank, as is demonstrated by luxury glass vessels and the consumption of certain animal species (De Clercq et al., 2007). The presence of liturgical toys (a miniature paten, a lidded ciborium, a chalice, ...
English Literature of the Victorian Age 1. The Victorian Period: Chronologically the Victorian period roughly coincides
The name of Victorian Age comes from Queen Victoria (1819-1901). She became queen of England and Ireland and the Empress of India when she was very young. She married with Prince Albert who was her cousin. They had 9 children and they married with other European royal families. In 1861 ...
“The Victorian age was not one, not single, simple, or unified, only in part because Victoria’s reign lasted so long that it comprised several periods. Above all, it was an age of paradox and power. The Victorian Age was characterised by rapid change and developments in nearly every sph...
How was Oscar Wilde affected by the Victorian Age? How did the women's suffrage movement protest? How was the women's suffrage movement related to the Civil War? How does women's suffrage reflect the goals of the 'Progressive Era' government reforms?
and the British Empire. It was an age of material prosperity, political awakening, democratic reforms, industrial and mechanical advancement, social upheaval, educational expansion, imperialism and empire-building, humanitarianism and all-pervading energy and activity in social life. However, it was stra...