VICTORIA'S SECRET 试衣间也非常有特色,粉色少女心与豹纹性感元素,每间试衣间都有专属的定制标签~ 香氛护理 VICTORIA'S SECRET 这里有维密标志性的香氛及身体护理产品,偏香甜系的香氛系列,粉橘色调,太喜欢了~ fragrance&perfume 还有新春限定香氛身体护理系列,回家送礼必备~ 时尚搭配 VICTORIA'S SECRET 经典黑白时尚手提...
To aid in our assessment of the Shanghai flagship store of Victoria’s Secret we turn to a true professional arbiter of style and taste for our times: A drag queen. And not just any drag queen: The victor of the 2017 Shanghai Drag Competition, the queen of queens, the elegant and qui...