From 32AAA to 40DDD, shop bras by size to find the perfect bra for you. Select your bra size and shop from a variety of styles, including bralette, wireless, strapless, demi and more from Victoria's Secret
Victoria's Secret All Sale Sale BeautyFilter By: Filter ByItem TypeFilter ByStyleFilter BySaleFilter ByRatings Sort By:Recommended 11 itemsBody Fragrance Fragrance Lotion Rating: 4.81 of 5 (3186) Original PriceHK$ 146.18 Current PriceClearance HK$ 64.89 Body Fragrance Bare Vanilla Sol Body Lotion...
现在维多利亚的秘密 (Victoria's Secret) 的产品种类包括了女士内衣、睡衣及各种配套服装、豪华短裤、香水、化妆品以及相关书籍等,是性感内衣品牌之一。 维多利亚的秘密 (Victoria's Secret) 对于性感美艳的定义早已人所共知,VS天使模特们的长发自然而微卷,像刚刚睡醒尚未梳洗或才经历一场的性爱。维多利亚的秘密 (...
CHINA CALLING:Victoria’s Secret beauties Josephine Skriver, Sui He, Ming Xi and Alessandra Ambrosio are among the Angels kicking up a social media storm this week. They are midway through their tour of China, first stopping in Shanghai before heading to the western city of Chengdu to open ...
I will first delineate the sexualised representationof lingerie models by situating them in relation to the contradictory nature of postfeminist media culture - a 'double entanglement'of feminist and anti-feminist ideas. Can the representation of hyper-femininity be seen as 'women's success' or as...
PREMIUM lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret will open its first flagship store on the Chinese mainland before the end of the year, the manager of its concept store at Raffles City confirmed to Shanghai Daily yesterday. The flagship store will take up an area of 1,47...
“The Icon by Victoria's Secret”系列产品已于8月10日登陆维多利亚的秘密线下门店,并于维多利亚的秘密中国官方网站和维多利亚的秘密天猫旗舰店线上同步发售。 前沿 BOTTEGA VENETA秋冬眼镜系列 McQueen 2024秋冬眼镜系列广告大片 嗨翻雪季!3M™新雪丽™&3M™思高洁™协同品牌一起温暖开FUN!
經過世代交替、消費者喜好轉變,昔日風光的內衣品牌Victoria’s Secret近年面臨了許多困境——包含選角及文化爭議、年度維秘內衣大秀被迫取消、營運狀況不佳等等。沉寂一段時日後,日前 Victoria’s Secret 釋出了中國版全新廣告,找來周冬雨、何穗擔任代言人,希望以新形象重獲粉絲們的歡心。
One of the most exciting lingerie big shows has just ended on December 13 2014 in London- Victoria’s Secret show. It has drawn millions of its worldwide fans’ attention to watch and participate in the year of the show. What’s on in China? Of cause, Chinese Victoria’s Secret’s fa...
VICTORIA'S SECRET美国官网 去购买 VICTORIA'S SECRET一直都是性感和诱惑的天使,国内没有专柜让很多妹纸很忧桑,目前VICTORIA'S SECRET美国官网开启全场满50美元免费直邮中国的活动,依旧是需要用码,下单使用优惠码CHINA50VS即可;另外目前还有满125美元减20美元的活动,用码CHINA20VS即可,两个活动都是12日结束,仅限一天...